Mikal's Priorities for pontiac

  • Affordable, secure housing is fundamental to a stable and thriving community. Mikal’s housing policies focus on tenant rights, accessibility, and support for vulnerable residents.

    • Tenant/Community Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)
      Support tenants in purchasing their homes if the owner decides to sell, with feasibility studies to assess implementation in Pontiac.

    • Right of Return
      Prioritize housing access and down payment assistance for families displaced by infrastructure projects, ensuring they have a path back to Pontiac.

    • Anti-Eviction Initiatives
      Establish an anti-eviction task force, school-year eviction moratorium, and winter weather protections.

    • Right to Counsel and Legal Aid
      Provide renters with the right to legal representation in eviction cases, ensuring fair treatment in housing disputes.

    • Rent Setting Algorithm Ban and Junk Fee Regulation
      Protect renters from arbitrary rent increases and hidden fees, making housing more affordable.

    • Compassionate Homelessness Solutions
      Adopt a Housing First approach, prioritize services over punitive measures, and create a just, supportive response to encampments.

    • Housing for All
      Ensure housing is accessible to seniors, disabled residents, and existing residents seeking homeownership.

  • Mikal is dedicated to environmental policies that protect Pontiac’s natural resources and prepare the city for the climate crisis. He aims to build sustainable infrastructure that promotes health and resilience for future generations.

    • Accessible Transit and Active Transportation
      Invest in walking, biking, and transit infrastructure, ensuring that all residents can navigate the city safely and sustainably.

    • Green Infrastructure for Flooding and Temperature
      Invest in green infrastructure to address flooding issues and prepare cooling and warming centers for extreme temperatures.

    • Corporate Accountability
      Pass ordinances to hold polluting corporations accountable, such as a fugitive dust ordinance, and protect residents from industrial pollution.

    • Public Health Initiatives
      Invest in projects that address pollution’s health effects and incentivize tree and native species planting to improve air quality.

  • Mikal envisions Pontiac as a community where everyone feels at home. His policies will focus on inclusivity, accessibility, and the welfare of all residents, from youth to seniors.

    • Gun Violence as a Public Health Emergency
      Declare gun violence a public health crisis to open funding channels for violence prevention and intervention programs.

    • Support for Aging Residents
      Fund programs that enable seniors to age in place, combat isolation, and connect with their community.

    • Welcoming City for Immigrants
      Work with nonprofits and government agencies to ensure Pontiac is a welcoming, supportive city for immigrants.

    • Driver’s License Access
      Advocate for legislation that reinstates driver’s licenses for all, including the Drive Michigan Bills, improving access to transportation.

    • Accessible Parks and Recreation
      Expand ADA-accessible playground equipment and continue to invest in park improvements.

    • Language Access Expansion
      Extend Spanish language resources and staff to improve accessibility citywide.

    • Youth Empowerment Forum
      Create a forum for youth to voice their concerns, ensuring young people have a platform to address issues affecting them.

    • Expanded Health Access
      Fund access to contraceptives, STI checks, prenatal care, domestic violence support, and childcare.

  • Mikal believes that true community safety goes beyond policing to include mental health resources, youth programs, and support for vulnerable residents. His approach to public safety seeks proactive and compassionate solutions that strengthen community bonds while addressing root causes of crime.

    • Mobile Crisis Response Team
      Implement a crisis response team to handle mental health and nonviolent 911 calls, letting police focus on violent crime and ensuring individuals in crisis receive appropriate care.

    • Hold Crisis Pregnancy Centers Accountable
      Ensure crisis pregnancy centers provide transparent care without manipulating patients, regulating against the establishment of new centers that mislead residents seeking quality reproductive care.

    • Addressing Crime at its Roots
      Increase access to resources, including mental health and substance abuse treatment, to address the underlying causes of crime.

    • Youth Justice Prevention Programs
      Support after-school programs that prevent youth from entering the justice system by providing safe, constructive outlets.

    • Recidivism Reduction
      Invest in reentry and expungement programs that support returning citizens, reducing recidivism and promoting community reintegration.

    • Community-Based Gun Violence Reduction
      Support violence interruption programs led by respected community members to reduce gun violence through local engagement and mentorship.

    • Opioid Crisis Solutions
      Partner with nonprofits to provide Narcan training and prescription disposal events, combatting opioid addiction in the community.

    • Environmental Crime Deterrents
      Increase street lighting and other deterrents to improve public safety.

    • Youth Violence Reduction through Restorative Solutions
      Collaborate with leaders at all levels to develop restorative solutions for youth violence, focusing on alternatives to incarceration.

    • Strengthen Community Partnerships
      Engage local businesses and organizations for insight on future safety infrastructure and partnership opportunities.

  • Mikal’s commitment to accountability means fostering a transparent, participatory government that puts Pontiac residents first and protects against corruption.

    • Constituent Engagement through Participatory Budgeting
      Empower residents to engage in budgeting and policy prioritization, making community voices central to decision-making.

    • Strengthen the Independent Ethics Commission
      Empower the commission to ensure government accountability, with a focus on holding corporations accountable for community impact.

    • No Corporate Donations
      Mikal commits to refusing campaign donations from city contractors, corporate PACs, or corporate landlords, ensuring a government that serves its people.

    • Transparent Spending Database
      Create a searchable city spending database, giving residents insight into how funds are allocated and spent.

  • Mikal advocates for workers’ rights, equitable opportunities, and policies that support local businesses and the economic security of all residents.

    • Workers’ Rights Education and Legal Support
      Require worker rights education, public disclosure of labor enforcement, and monthly free wage theft legal clinics.

    • Living Wage and Safety Standards for City Contractors
      Require city contractors to pay a living wage and meet safety standards, ensuring fair compensation and safe working conditions.

    • Support for Small Businesses
      Penalize corporate landlords for prolonged commercial vacancies and support small business development in downtown Pontiac.

    • Union Career Opportunities
      Partner with the Building Trades to expand union construction career pathways, with a focus on women, veterans, and people of color.

    • Parking for Service Workers
      Create parking passes for service workers in Pontiac, making downtown more accessible for employees.